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Sports & Smile Injuries: Common Dental Emergencies Among Athletes

October 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 9:55 am
A smiling hockey player with a chipped or missing tooth

If you keep up with major sports, you know athletes tend to get injured. Many will suffer concussions, broken bones, and torn muscles from collisions and other accidents. That said, were you aware that their injuries can also include their mouths? Sportspersons are among the most at-risk for dental emergencies. The good news is that they can take steps to reduce the risk to their grins. As proof, consider these common dental emergencies among athletes and how to avoid them.


Prosthetic Process: 3 Steps to Getting Veneers

August 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 5:20 pm
Closeup of tweezers grasping one veneer of several laying on a light blue surface

If you’re frustrated by an imperfect smile, you’re not alone. Countless people have turned to various dental cosmetic services to brighten, straighten, and enhance their smiles. If you’re eager to address one or more aesthetic issues at the same time, you could potentially benefit from porcelain veneers.

These thin ceramic shells are customized to match your natural teeth and then bonded to their front surface to mask chips, cracks, stains, slight gaps, and mild overcrowding. However, being fitted with these prosthetics can take some time from start to finish. Continue reading to learn more about the step-by-step process so you know what to expect!


How To Build a Dental Emergency Kit

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 1:10 pm
A dental emergency kit

When many people think of emergency preparedness supplies, they think of a first aid kit. A first aid kit can be packed with a variety of medical supplies that can help treat an injury if you cannot get to a doctor’s office. Most are stocked with bandages, gauze, ointment, an instant ice pack, and bandage tape, just to name a few items. But what happens if you injure your tooth? Many families don’t have a dental emergency kit on hand, and as a result risk being unprepared if an accident happens. Thankfully, building a dental emergency kit is very easy. Here’s how you can make one for you and your family.


Could a Coffee Habit Tarnish My Veneers?

April 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 9:06 pm
someone drinking coffee

A set of beautiful veneers can completely change your life, allowing you to project a new confidence to the people that you meet. Truly loving your smile will make noticeable improvements to your social life, romantic prospects, and even to your career.

However, there are some ingrained habits that you might not want to change because of your veneers. For example, you might wonder whether it’s necessary to skip out on your morning coffee for the sake of your new dental work—here’s what you should know.


5 Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution to Floss More

December 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 1:22 am
person flossing their teeth

As the year begins, numerous individuals embark on their New Year’s resolutions, ranging from healthier eating habits to increased travel aspirations. With a multitude of resolutions to choose from, consider making one that benefits your smile. Flossing is a common habit that many people overlook, making it an excellent starting point. Dive into this read to discover five tips that will support your commitment to floss more often as part of your New Year’s resolution.


Celebrating Dental Hygiene Month This October: Tips for Optimal Oral Health

October 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 8:31 am
Someone brushing their teeth

As the leaves change color and we welcome the crisp autumn air, October brings more than just pumpkin-spiced lattes and cozy sweaters. It’s also Dental Hygiene Month – a perfect time to refocus on the health of our gums and teeth. Good oral hygiene is not just about a bright smile; it plays a vital role in our overall health. In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips and practices to enhance your oral health.


Prevent a Dental Emergency with These Back to School Safety Tips!

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 3:25 pm
Smiling young boy standing outside

After spending all summer with your kids, you might have some concerns about safety as you prepare to send them back to school. Unfortunately, many parents accidentally overlook one aspect of safety — their child’s smile. How can you protect your young one’s oral health as they head back to the classroom? These tips will help you to prevent a dental emergency.


How Long Does Invisalign Therapy Take?

January 23, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 1:59 am

set of clear bracesPatients interested in Invisalign therapy usually want to know how long they must wear the product in order to see results. A complete course of treatment typically takes between 12-18 months. However, the exact answer to the question depends on factors such as the degree of misalignment and how long per day the aligner is worn. The best results are obtained when the patient wears the product consistently and follows all of their dentist’s recommendations.


A Dazzling Smile in the New Year with Help from Your Cosmetic Dentist!

December 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 11:55 am

woman blonde hair perfect smileIf you’re like most people, you can’t help but feel excited about the possibilities that the new year holds. It’s an opportunity to make improvements in several areas, one of them being the aesthetics of your smile. No matter what type of blemish you’re dealing with, learn how your cosmetic dentist can revamp your image!


3 Frequently Asked Questions About Periodontal Disease

November 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — brickdentist @ 12:26 am

woman showing red spot on gums

Nearly 85% of adult Americans suffer from some form of periodontal (gum) disease. One of the best ways to reverse this alarming trend is through better education. This starts with getting an understanding of what contributes to the condition as well as learning how to recognize the warning signs. When it comes to periodontal disease, there are 3 important questions that must be answered. Read on to find out what they are, and get the answers you need.


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